Brad Wilkinson

The Eco-Friendly, Energy Efficient Lifestyle at Home

Over the past several years, sustainable homes throughout the globe have increased significantly, with more and more people looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Becoming more energy-efficient is certainly something all of us should get behind, as it is a step towards creating a better, healthier planet. Additionally, taking time to look for eco-friendlier methods won’t just benefit the environment, but your savings as well, as it can help cut down your electricity bills.

Here are six effective ways on how you can make your home more energy-efficient.

  1. Control heat loss
  2. One of the most effective ways to improve the energy-efficiency status of your home is to check insulation in your roof, walls, and floors. These three major structural elements account for a significant amount of heat loss, which results in higher bills for you to pay. Be sure to check for any drafts within your home, and install excluders around your windows and doors.

  3. Upgrade existing windows
  4. For window frames, the best environmentally friendly material to use is wood. It provides more insulation, lasts longer, and does not add to pollution compared to more common materials like uPVC, which is known to emit toxic compounds. Combine this with double-glazing and thick, heavy curtains, and you get a very effective energy-conserving combination. 

  5. Install a temperature control system
  6. With your home’s temperature managed properly, you may want to consider installing an energy control system to take it a step further. This will give you the ability to control your home’s temperature even if you’re miles away just by using your smartphone. With this system, you can now manage energy more precisely, and activate heating/cooling only when necessary. 

  7. Check your appliances
  8. Take a look at your current appliances and consider upgrading some of the older ones to more energy-efficient models. Some of the most critical appliances to check are fireplaces, heaters, and gas ovens, as these can emit harmful pollutants if left unchecked. In case you’re unsure about the condition of your existing appliances, contact the manufacturer and inquire about hiring a certified engineer or specialist to perform an inspection.

  9. Hire local professionals and source locally supplied materials
  10. If you’re renovating, hire local builders and specialists, and try to use only materials that are available locally. This way, you’re hiring people who are just nearby and using materials which won’t need to travel long distances, reducing the amount of pollution while also supporting local businesses.

  11. Place more plants around your home
  12. It might seem like a very simple idea, but studies have shown that having leafy plants around your home helps absorb harsh volatile organic compounds, one of the primary types of pollutant gases. One of the most effective plants that can do this is the bromeliad, which can eliminate over 80% of pollutants. They’re nice to look at too, so you’ll also be sprucing up your interiors. 

Want to find some of the best Sonoma County real estate options? Get in touch with the #1 Santa Rosa real estate agents today! Call Brad Wilkinson at (707) 799-0455, or send an email to brad(dotted)wilkinson(at)cbnorcal(dotted)com.

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