Brad Wilkinson

How to spruce up your home’s curb appeal

Your home’s exteriors play a crucial role when it comes to attracting potential home buyers. The decision on whether to look inside or move on to other options is often made based on curb appeal – how it appears from outside, on the street.

Enhancing your home’s curb appeal is one of the best ways to drum up more interest in your home and entice more buyers to take a look inside. Here are a few tips on how you can improve curb appeal.

The basics

Step outside your home and take a look at it from across the street. Try to imagine yourself as a buyer and take note of the following:

Walk towards your front door and look around. Check your front yard, driveway, and entrance and see if everything’s clean and tidy. Take photos and then view them in black and white, which can help highlight any existing problems.

Create a list of any problems you’ve discovered, and go through them one by one. Put cleaning and repairing tasks on top of the list, and deal with tasks designed to improve your exterior’s appearance later on.

Here are a few tasks you may want to add to your list:

Don’t forget about evening curb appeal

Examine your home’s exteriors again at dusk, as some buyers might drop by in the evening. Great lightning is the key when it comes to evening curb appeal.

You can install a new light fixture on your front porch or add low-voltage lighting along the sidewalk, your driveway, or next to landscaping features you want to highlight. If possible, make sure your exterior lights are visible through your front doors and windows, as this can enhance your home’s atmosphere.


Adding or removing certain elements to your landscaping can be a great way to enhance your overall curb appeal.

For example, if your home has a stylish front porch that’s obscured by overgrown bushes, you may want to trim the bushes back or get rid of them entirely to highlight your porch. You can then repaint some parts of your porch or add new plants and flowers to enhance its appearance.

Don’t ignore tiny details

Even the smallest details can create a big impact to your home’s curb appeal. Complete the look through simple, affordable upgrades like shiny new house numbers, a new doorknob for your front door, or a stylish mailbox. These simple yet attractive details can serve as a nice welcome to visitors walking towards your home.

Planning to buy or sell a home in Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Rohnert Park, or other nearby communities in Sonoma County? Give Brad Wilkinson a call at (707) 799-0455 or send him an email at Brad(dotted)Wilkinson(at)cbnorcal(dotted)com.

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